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Registration Information

Registration will be completed online using ParentVue. Visit the APS Enrollment page to learn about immunization, proof of address requirements and how to use ParentVue to enroll your student.

After completing the registration online you will still need to attend the school registration process to obtain schedules and other information.

ParentVUE/StudentVUE Account Creation


Agendas will be handed out to each student. Students are to have their agenda on them at all times while at school. Agendas are used for hall passes as well so make sure that your students brings it daily.

Athletic Physicals

In order to participate in any athletic program students must have a current physical on file, prior to tryouts. Physicals are good for one year and must be dated after April 1 of the previous school year. You can obtain the form needed to be filled out by your physician on the Athletic Forms page.

6th Grade Jump Start

6th grade students are encouraged to participate in an abbreviated school day just for them!

  • Date to be announced in the school website homepage News every year.
  • Meet in the Gym

As an entering sixth grader, you will participate in a special day to learn about middle school. Questions will be answered along with many questions you didn't know you had will be answered, too. You will meet your teachers, find your classes and other important areas of the school like the library, restrooms, the nurse, counseling office, and the cafeteria.

Bring to Jumpstart:

  • Schedule Card (get it at registration)
  • Memorize your student ID
  • Lunch will be announced yearly.